What Americans Want From a 'Smart' Home (Infographic)

What Americans Want From a 'Smart' Home (Infographic)

Would you like to wake up in the morning and be able to adjust the temperature in your house and turn on the lights in the kitchen -- all from a few simple clicks of your smartphone before getting out of bed?---Smart Home
If you answered yes, then you're like the majority of Americans, according to the results of a new poll from Lowe's.
The retail home-improvement giant has released its Smart Home Survey, which was conducted in July by Harris Poll. The results show that 52 percent of the more than 2,000 U.S. adults surveyed feel that having a "smart" home is at least somewhat important to them.
Those who felt that way said they see three main benefits to connecting features and appliances in their home to the Internet. Sixty-two percent of Americans ranked security and home monitoring as the biggest benefit to having a smart home. Another reason is to cut costs (40 percent said) and so is convenience (35 percent said).
Lowe's, of course, offers a suite of smart-home solutions via its Irisprogram. So, hooray for positive smart-home news.
To highlight more of the survey results, Lowe's also released this nifty infographic. Here, take a look:

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