Lighting Control System in Wulian Smart Home

 Lighting Control System in Wulian Smart Home

It’s no secret that lighting sets the mood. But when it’s your business to sell those moods, lighting becomes all-important, down to the tiniest detail. It’s about layering correctly. A shade too dim could mute the ambiance. A shade too bright can break it.
“Automated lighting gives me more flexibility,” Sarah, an interior designer says. “It shows off what I do better. I put together colors and furniture and fabrics and lighting, and now I have more control over the outcome of how everything works together. I’ve often told clients we can spend a lot of money on interiors, but if we don’t have the lighting right we’ve shortchanged ourselves. Lighting is as important, if not more important, than what we are lighting.”
Getting the lighting just right is so much easier with Wulian Smart Home. It enables end users to set lighting scenes completely according to their own needs. For example, instead of trying to set each individual light to an appropriate level each time, it’s easy to set all the lights to the correct level with a single press of a lighting scene button. “We have 135 lights in our house,” One of Wulian smart home adoptor Alex says. “Before, I couldn’t remember what switches turned on which lights. Now, with the lighting scenes, life is so much easier.”

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