What Is The Modern Irrigation

Smart Irrigation System 

OK! So you want to be a part of the GREEN movement and help improve the environment by reducing the amount of water used by you and your family. You have already exhausted the easy opportunities inside your home by installing water efficient toilets, and shower heads, purchased new water efficient clothes washer and dishwasher appliances, and checked your whole system for leaks. But your water bill tells you that you have only reduced your summertime water use by about 3 or 4 percent. So where’s all the water going? Where are the big savings going to come from? 
A quick look at your water bill over the period of a year will tell the tale. If, as most of us do, you discontinue watering your landscaping during the December to through March timeframe then your average usage during those Winter months represents your indoor water use. For most single family homes this will amount to 8 – 9 units[] per month if you have not yet installed water efficient indoor plumbing products or 5- 7 units per month if you’ve retrofitted everything inside your home with efficient water use products[]. But, your summertime water bill shows your still using 45 – 50 units per month. Those other 40 or more units are all going into keeping your outdoor landscape green, healthy, and growing. 

Is there an easy next step you can take in your pursuit of a GREENER lifestyle? Can you have a garden of green, cooling plants and trees and colorful flowers and still be environmentally responsible? Can you get to a garden that uses substantially less water without spending large sums of money, time and effort? The answers are Yes, YES, and YES!! The answer lies in a new breed of irrigation control products that are generally referred to as SMART Irrigation Controllers. Just as with the products that have been redesigned to save 30% or more or the water traditionally used inside the home, SMART irrigation controllers can, over the course of a full irrigation season, easily realize a 30% or more savings of the water  used for landscape purposes. 
Let me introduce more info to you ,please visit www.wulian.mobi/english
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